Mind Body Physiotherapy

Where people with chronic neck pain, TMJ disorders, and migraines go to find a relief in Austin, Texas.

We help people in Austin figure out the root cause for neck pain that won’t go away, teeth clenching and grinding, and reduce migraine symptoms.

At Mind Body Physiotherapy you will get the holistic personalized 1:1 care you deserve.
We are changing the healthcare experience to help you live your life to your full potential.

Relieve your pain

We will utilize advanced manual techniques, dry-needling, and breathing exercises to achieve this.

Our 3 Step Process.

Rebuild posture and strength

A movement-based approach will get your body in it’s most neutral alignment to maximize results.

patient receiving headache treatment, migraine treatment, pain relief
Physical therapy treatment for shoulder and neck
Austin Physical therapy for pain

Refine your movement

Cultivate resilience, and minimize flare-ups, as we teach you how to manage symptoms long-term.

Pain can impact every aspect of your life. 

We will guide you down the road to being pain-free and prevent it from coming back. 

Have you ever woken up with a headache or neck tension despite having a good sleep routine? Are your workouts being affected and causing you more pain? Are you avoiding certain foods due to range of motion limitations or pain? Don’t let this become a more frustrating and expensive problem. Let us help you!

Manual therapy for upper back, physical therapy for back pain

Physical Therapy and Performance

At Mind Body Physio, we treat all orthopedic conditions and some neurological disorders.

Some of the common conditions seen are:

  • Migraine

  • TMJ disorders

  • Pelvic health

  • Back and neck pain

  • Performance training

  • Vertigo

  • Running injuries

  • Muscle spasms

  • Sciatica

  • Post-operative care

  • Joint pain (Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Elbow, Foot, Spine, SI Joint)

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"Managing Chronic Pain".

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